Watch these superfans get High Life tattoos

A tattoo means it’s real.

Which is why they say some things are too temporary for tattoos (think hard about the name of your new girlfriend or boyfriend, just saying).

Miller High Life, however, has been around since 1903.

So when we offered up free ink inspired by special summertime High Life cans, fans were all in.

The cans, called the American Artist Series, include five designs available nationwide and eight state/regional ones — California, Florida, New York, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Washington, Texas and the Midwest.

High Life tattoosWe followed up with events in New Orleans and Philadelphia where fans could get tattoos (real or temporary) on us.

“We’re basically celebrating everyone’s high life, and my high life is doing tattoos on people and talking to people,” said tattoo artist Halo, who worked the event in Philly.

There, as you’ll see in the video, fans got designs as diverse as “Pennsylvania,” “Steel, Spirit & Splendor,” and the classic Miller Soft Cross logo. They also had a really good time.

“Tonight turned out insane,” Halo said.  High Life tattoos